In this activity, students will classify matter as element, compounds, and mixtures and construct an explanation based on how the atoms are arranged. There are 9 different posters to hang around your classroom, gallery walk style, for students to explore and classify!
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⭐ Teacher’s Guide
This is a great way to get your students up and moving while constructing explanations in science!
- Print out the gallery walk posters and either post them around the classroom (on the wall) or place them in stations around the classroom.
- Give students an answer sheet, and then review the directions with them.
- Students can walk around the room at their own pace or at a pace you create. Students will fill in their answers and explanations on their answer sheet.
- Students can use the graphic organizer as a guide!
⭐ What’s included in this elements compounds and mixtures activity?
- a teacher’s guide with directions on how it can be used in the classroom (see above)
- a matter organization chart for students to use as a reference as they construct their explanations
- 9 different posters representing elements, compounds, homogeneous mixtures, and heterogeneous mixtures
- an answer sheet with directions and 3 columns: Classification, Explanation, and “What questions do you still have?”
- an answer key
⭐ Here are the student directions for the activity:
- In each matter model, each circle represents an atom. Different colors represent different atoms. Where two elements are touching, they are chemically bonded. Construct an explanation to classify each matter model as an element, compound, homogeneous mixture, or heterogeneous mixture based on how the atoms are arranged
This lesson pairs well with NC Essential Standard: 8.P.1.1 and other state standards related to classifying matter based on how atoms are aligned. This will align with NC new standard PS.8.1.1.
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Copyright © Bright in the Middle, Kayla Norville
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
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