In this seasons activity, students will “use models to explain how the relative motion and relative position of the Sun, Earth, and Moon affect seasons”. They will explore an online simulation (not included) and answer questions based on their investigation.
Are your students struggling with the concept of seasons?
Models are a great way to help students understand concepts such as these!
Give your students a chance to review an online seasons simulation on their own, and then they can answer questions to help with understanding.
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This activity is great to do after learning the reason for the seasons!
What’s included in this resource?
☑️ seasons online simulation worksheet a variety of questions – 8 total (PDF)
☑️ seasons online simulation worksheet a variety of questions – 8 total (editable text)
☑️ worksheet answer key
☑️ suggested online simulations
The worksheet includes 2 pages!
What does this worksheet cover?
- degree of Earth’s tilt
- equinoxes and solstices
- differences in hemispheres
- length of daylight
- relative motion and relative position of the Sun and the Earth
- and more!
This seasons activity is great to use with most online simulations! I think it’s important to make sure students explore on their own before they start answering questions. Give students a chance to learn how to use the simulation before diving into the worksheet.
This lesson pairs well with new NC Standard ESS.6.1.1 as well as other state standards dealing with seasons.
This is a great support activity for NGSS standard MS-ESS1-1.
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Earth in the Universe Task Cards
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