Are you looking for a lesson or review on speed-time graphs? Don’t look any further! This is a fun and engaging presentation that has embedded activities to help reduce student cognitive load. This will ultimately help your students understand the content better and retain it in their long-term memory!
Plotting speed vs. time can tell you a lot about the motion of an object. Students will learn about how to read and interpret speed-time graphs and more!
*This lesson does not focus on finding the distance traveled or calculating acceleration.
This package includes a link for a Google slides version of the lesson and practice as well as a PowerPoint version. In addition, a paper version and guided notes are included!
✅ Download the preview and check out the sneak peek inside! Don’t forget to view the video preview as well.
This speed-time graphs lesson covers:
- speed definition
- time definition
- the x and y-axis of a speed-time graph
- what a speed-time graph looks like when an object is moving at a constant speed, constant acceleration, increasing acceleration, constant deceleration, and no movement
- what steeper lines mean on a speed-time graph
- and more!
Interactive activities include:
- completing speed-time graphs
- drag-and-drop activities
- exploring outside resources
- writing a story about a speed-time-graph
- and more!
There are 44 slides in all and an answer key is included!
When you purchase this product, you will be given access to a link that will allow you to open the file in Google Slides. You will then be able to share this with your students. If you’d like, there is a PPT version as well!
This lesson is a great supportive lesson for NGSS standard MS-PS3-1.
See more interactive lessons! You can also learn more about how to use interactive lessons in the classroom here.
Interactive lessons can be used for virtual learning, individual learning, partners and small groups, direct instruction, science stations/centers, tutoring and enrichment, and more!
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Distance-Time Graph Story Match
Copyright © Bright in the Middle, Kayla Norville
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
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