In this diseases and pathogens case studies activity, students will explore eight different cases dealing with people infected with a pathogen. They will classify the pathogen in each case as a virus, bacteria, fungi, or parasite. Students will “construct an explanation to compare the basic characteristics of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites relating to the spread, treatment and prevention of disease”.
*These are fictional cases based on real pathogens and diseases.
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Teacher Preparation:
- Print materials and make copies as needed.
- In a large manila envelope (9 in. x 12. in), place the case and all clue cards associated inside. For example, the following should be placed in the envelope: Case #1, Spread Clue Card #1, Treatment Clue Card #1, and Prevention Clue Card #1.
- You will do this for each case.
Student Directions:
- Students will read through the information in each envelope.
- They will classify the pathogen in each case as a virus, bacteria, fungi, or parasite. This will be written on the student sheet.
- Then, using the information, they will have to explain why they classified the pathogen in this way.
- They will do this for each case.
*Teacher preparation and student directions included in the resource!
The following lessons pair well with this activity:
Pathogens and Diseases – Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, and Parasites
Spread of Disease – Epidemics and Pandemics – Interactive Lesson
What’s included in this case studies activity?:
- 8 cases (2 of each: virus, bacteria, fungi, parasite)
- 8 spread, 8 treatment, and 8 prevention clue cards
- Student recording sheet
- Envelope labels: confidential, classified, and top secret
- Sample answer key
- Cases SOLVED descriptions
This lesson pairs well with new NC Standard LS.8.1.1 as well as other state standards dealing with infectious diseases and pathogens.
This is a great support activity for NGSS standard MS-LS1-3.
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